Krav Maga and Thai Boxing Compared

Krav Maga Strikes are Similar to Thai Boxing

Krav Maga Elbow Strike

Krav Maga and Thai Boxing both include fast striking combinations. Types of strikes that are similar to both Thai Boxing and Krav Maga include:

  • Straight Punches & Hook Punches
  • Hammer strikes
  • Elbow strikes
  • Knee strikes
  • Kicks: Front kick, side kick, roundhouse kick

The stances are similar with and the way of moving. This is not surprising as both are designed to be able to make strikes or defend strikes very quickly and efficiently.

Key Differences Between Krav Maga and Thai Boxing

Thai Boxing is a sport and Krav Maga is designed for self defence. This makes for some key differences:

Context and Goals of Thai Boxing

In a Thai Boxing competition there are 2-competitors, of similar size and ability, competing based on a predefined set of rules.

The goals in a Thai Boxing competition are to either knock-out your opponent or score more points.

Top Thai fighters are professional athletes who train full-time and compete for titles and/or money.

Context and Goals of Krav Maga

In Krav Maga there may be one or more attacker's who are bigger and stringer and who may be armed. Moreover the attacker(s) may attack the defender from different directions and even surprise the defender and we might have to protect others.

Therefore, in Krav Maga our training also includes:

  • Weapons defences
  • Dealing with multiple attackers
  • Striking to different directions
  • Protecting others

The key goal of Krav Maga is to avoid trouble or "fighting" in the first place. However, if we have to fight then the goals are to

  • Minimise injury
  • Defend ourselves within the rule of law
  • Protect any third parties that may be with us

Is Thai Boxing Complimentary to Krav Maga?

Yes absolutely. If you have Thai Boxing experience then you have a big head start learning Krav Maga. A reasonable portion of the techniques in our first Krav Maga levels are to develop good strikes and combinations similar to Thai Boxing

Stu & Bertrand Knee Strikes (300x300) 30% png

Where to Buy Thai Pads?

If you are keen to start training with Thai Pads you can buy good quality Thai pads here:


Aaron & Eyal Jan 2020 (600x600)

Aaron with Eyal Yanilov, Head Global Instructor

Aaron Moore is the director for Krav Maga Global in New Zealand and the Head Instructor for Krav Maga Global in Auckland.

Aaron started learning Krav Maga in 2003 while living in the UK. In 2009 he received his Krav Maga Instructor diploma under Eyal Yanilov (the leading Krav Maga Master and protégé to Imi Lechtenfeld founder of Krav Maga) , and established a successful club in London which he headed until returning to NZ in 2015. He then established Krav Maga Global in New Zealand and

Prior to learning Krav Maga Aaron achieved a Black Belt in Karate. He also studied Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (ground fighting) for 5-years with Carlson Gracie in London.