Get fit, learn practical self defence, increase independence and confidence.
If you're going do do the hard work of getting fit, why not learn something useful that will keep you safe and give you unique skills, while increasing your confidence. Krav Maga is a fast-paced and practical combat self-system that is popular with women all around the world from all walks of life.
You should be able to be independent and live your life without fear but the reality is that bad stuff can happen even in today's society. Women who work with the public are particular at risk, but often women subject to sexual intimidation or violence from people they know and thought they trusted. If you have been subject yourself to sexual intimidation or violence yourself, you will know the impact can be devastating to your confidence, self esteem. So the skills to look after yourself are essential to avoid being a victim.
In the past if you wanted to learn "self defence" you had to learn traditional martial arts or take up combat sports. The problem with martial arts are that they are not designed for women's self defence so are not effective in practice and/or moreover it can take a long time to reach a level where you can apply them in practice. Combat sports (or boxing fitness) also are not designed specifically for self defence, and the training environment can be intimidating.
Krav Maga overcomes these problems because it is quick to learn and works for women.
Our mission at Krav Maga Global is to transform you into a highly skilled, fit and confidant "fighter" and in doing so you will get super fit.
It doesn't matter what your starting point, you will quickly benefit from tried, tested and proven training programs that have worked for 100'000s people like you. Every session will challenge you body and mind so you will be thinking about the drills and not how hard you are working.
You will get an all over body workout with drills similar to Boxing or Kick-boxing along with other fitness aspects like body-weight exercises. Other gyms talk about "functional fitness" but what can be more functional than leaning to protect yourself?
We have a 2 vibrant clubs in Auckland and welcome you to come and try a class with us.
@Shane Cameron Fitness
Onewa Road, Northcote, Auckland, 0627
Beginners Classes Available
Wed 6.30-7.30pm
No. But if one of your aims is to get fit, that's a great reason to start Krav Maga!
While our classes are physically challenging you can go at your own pace as a beginner. Other member's are there to encourage and you will quickly get fitter.
No - our classes are mixed. Our women member's all prefer mixed classes... they like to try our the techniques on the guys to make sure they work :-)
As a beginner we will partner you with other women. As you gain confidence and are ready, then you have the option to partner with the men.
We have a very supportive and respectful environment and no women should feel intimidated.
We make training as safe as possible (no body should feel scared or intimidated in our classes)...
Each class is different but the format is similar: